Thursday, December 3, 2009

Let's get this show on the road!

So, this is the first official blog post. I spent way too much time thinking about it, and now I'm going to spend like 30 seconds typing it out, so I'm sure it will make little to no sense, but that's just how things go...
I love to read, and I'm always taking friends suggestions on a particular book or author. I recently got turned o
n to Charlaine Harris. She is most well known for her Sookie Stackhouse series (which has been turned into the True Blood series on HBO). I'm totally obsessed.. She also has several other series' and I am almost through those as well. I read my first of her books at the end of this summer, and now 15 books later I have almost reached the end of her bibligraphy, and am getting frantic for something else to be waiting in the wings for me... so, we'll see what turns up.

Now that the holidays are upon us, I have realized that the general population reverts into three major categories:
#1. People who get into the spirit of the season; They are nicer to each other. They feel compelled to give to charities. They listen to Christmas music and feel nostalgic of Christmas' past. They feel guilty when they walk past that 8th bell ringer outside a store and day dream about taking the bell from them and tossing it in front of a semi. They feel sorry f
or people who work in retail and have to put up with all the shopping madness.
#2. People who treat it like any other time of the year; They go about their normal daily routine. They buy gifts for friends and family as a knee-jerk response to the date. They don't bake, but they won't turn down an invitation to come and have a huge dinner in celebration.
#3. People who act like the world is coming to an end (or wish it was); They get angry because two extra people in the line at the grocery store is just "outragous"! They get hardcore about their shopping and would rip the last tickle-me-elmo out of an elderly person's hands if need be. When the calender turns to December 1st they automatically become more agitated, and openly remind all of us as such with every passing day......
I don't recall these "categories" when I was younger. Did I just have that magical child's wonder about the season, or are people really getting angrier as time marches on? Sheesh...

Now THIS guy knows how to relax...


  1. Ugh! I hate leaving the house during the holidays! Unfortunately I AM one of those grouchy people! haha!

  2. Yeah, me too....but fortunately for everyone around me I'm easily distracted!
